Charleville State High School operates a student resource scheme across all year levels. Students who elect to join the resource scheme are provided with text books and other resources throughout the year.
The scheme is fully supported and approved by the Parents and Citizens Association. In accordance with the conditions of the student resource scheme all books must be returned in a similar condition to that in which they were issued. Any book lost or damaged is to be paid for.
The following documents provide general information on the scheme. The Participation Agreement Form is to be signed and returned to school office if you are joining our scheme.
If you decide not to participate please refer to the student resource scheme lists (to the right) as to the resources that you need to supply for your student.
A Parent Information Letter is sent home every year confirming your participation and advising you of any revised costs.
Further detailed informaiton is available from the school office.
Laptop Hire 
The students of today use information and communications technologies (ICT) with ease. They thrive on its functionality, portability and adaptability. They play, live and learn by using ICT.
Parents/carers are encouraged to embrace the inititiative to ensure their student gains maximum benefit and harnesses the educational potential of their device.
All devices come pre-loaded with the department's software. Parents/carers must ensure the software is not copied, deleted or transferred for any reason without written consent from the school.
All technical issues should be directed to the school. Any repairs that are deemed to be liable to the student will be repaired and the family will be invoiced.
The Laptop Hire Form and payment to be received at school office before laptop can be handed to student.
Additional Stationery Lists:
Additional books and stationery may need to be purchased throughout the year. These items are not covered by the student resource scheme.