Senior Studies at Charleville State High School
Charleville State High School has a diverse range of subjects that can be studied in Years 10, 11 and 12, through our staff or distance education and vocational studies. This is our commitment to meeting the learning needs of a diverse student population with different strengths, areas of interest and future aspirations.
The Year 10 curriculum at Charleville State High School provides a link between the Junior and Senior school. It is an opportunity for students to experience a greater range of subjects and therefore the potential for greater success in their Senior School studies if they have had authentic learning experiences in a variety of Senior 'preliminary' courses in Year 10. These preliminary courses start in Semester 2.
Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan
After completing Year 10 your student will be able to choose from a broader range of learning options leading to a Senior Certificate or a Certificate III vocational qualification. During Year 10, students will make choices about their individual pathways through the Senior Phase of Learning. To finalise their learning plans, students and their parent/carer will need to complete a Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan interview.
SET Plan Interviews will take place in Term 2/3 each year.
For these interviews, we utilise an internet-based booking system called S.O.B.S. Using this system, parents/carers are able to select the interview time most suited to their needs. Further information will be sent to parents when booking becomes available.
YEAR 11/12
All Year 11 and 12 students study an English subject and a Mathematics subject. They also choose four other subjects from a range of Authority subjects and other subjects, as described below. This takes the total number of subjects studied to six.
The Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) governs both the Authority and Authority-Registered subjects.
Senior Secondary Curriculum offerings
General Essential
ENGLISH General Essential
SNR SCIENCE Biology Chemistry Physics Agricultural Practices
SNR SCIENCE Biology Chemistry Physics Agricultural Practices
- Certificate II in Hospitality
- Design & Technology
- The Arts
- Business
Sport & Recreation
HPE Sport & Recreation
Visual Arts
Visual Arts
Information Communication and Technology Industrial Skills / Engineering Certificate II Hospitality
Vaious Certificate Courses
Information Communication and Technology Industrial Skills / Engineering Certificate II Hospitality
Various Certificate Courses
Assessment Policy
The Assessment Policy has been developed to ensure students are successful in their Senior years at Charleville State High School. This policy has been designed so that students and parents may be clear on the requirements of student academic expectations. Refer to link at top, right above.
Deputy Principal
Brad Lines
Yr10, Yr11 & Yr12
Head of Department

Sue McDermott
Senior Secondary
Year Level Coordinator
Amiee Dolman
Yrs 10, 11 & 12